Psychic & Mediumship Mentorship Development 18 Week Course


Physical Trance Medium PsychicGavin will be running another 18-week Psychic & Mediumship Mentorship Development Course online via Zoom this Feb/March

Mediumship Development can often be kept a little secretive and is typically expensive, it can be into the £1000s but it doesn’t have to be and it doesn’t have to take years either!!!!

This course is for those seriously wanting to develop!!!

As with all other Psychic & Mediumship Mentorship Development Courses that PsychicGavin has run, you should be competent by the end of this Course and be in a position to be able to begin working in the field if you so wished.

PsychicGavin was fortunate enough to have been developed direct from spirit, and he wishes to pass on the methods they used with him. In addition his guides want to be an active part of your development giving you a modern and fresh approach for enhancing your abilities and skills on an individual basis which is needed on your development journey.

What will you learn? The Course, which will run every Monday at 7pm and will begin with Psychic Development to enhance your psychic abilities. You will also be taught Divination techniques (Oracle Cards & Pendulum) to aid you trusting in your abilities by gaining confirmation methods to be able to check the communication you think you have received from Spirit. You will then move onto your Mediumship Development and be given methods to aid your development together with lots of opportunities to practice.

The Course includes Practice Circle that you should try to attended each week or at least every other week.

In addition being a Mentorship Development Course you will have PsychicGavin on hand for any queries or additional advice or guidance when ever the need crops up through the duration of the Course.

The Course will also have its own Facebook group and chat group so you can support one another and this will also be where study material and communication will be shared.

The Psychic & Mediumship Mentorship Development Course is £360 if paid monthly @ 4x £90 payments or £320 if paid up front.

Places will be limited so be quick to book onto this 18 Week Course!

If you want to know more, please get in touch, and feel free to ask any questions.