Christmas Treat an Evening of Mediumship with PsychicGavin, Marie & Friends Fri 16th December (From his 2022 Development)


An Evening of Mediumship with PsychicGavin, Marie & Friends 7pm Fri 16th December (From his 2022 Development)

Messages and Guidance will be passed to as many families as possible in the time. Each ticket admits your household family of up to 4 to join you on your zoom camera making it cheap, fun and friendly!

Experience PsychicGavin our Physical & Trance Medium plus Friends Demonstrating their unique abilities in 1 amazing and affordable Online Event!

This is an online psychic mediumship event where you the ticket holder and your household will see our Psychic Mediums in an awesome online event. The Psychic Mediums will be demonstrating their 'gifts' to all of the event audience with various Spirit Portraits, Messages and Guidance. The event will run for approximately 2.5 hours, the aim is to provide as many family with either Spirit Communication, Spirit Portrait or Guidance of some sort as possible in the time.

This Event will be run on Zoom!

No Under 16s