Merlin and Arthurs Monthly Wisdom, Energy Protection and Light Language 6.30 Tue 13th Feb


Join us for a magical online gathering with Merlin and Arthur, where we'll explore wisdom, energy protection and the power of light language.

Merlin being channelled by PsychicGavin - YouTube

Join us for Merlin and Arthur's Monthly Wisdom, Energy Protection and Light Language event!

This online gathering will take place on Tuesday, February 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Are you ready to tap into the ancient wisdom of Merlin and Arthur?

This monthly event is designed to help you enhance your spiritual journey and connect with powerful energies. Through guided meditations, energy protection techniques, and the transformative power of light language, you'll unlock hidden potentials and gain deeper insights into your path.

During this event, you'll have the opportunity to learn from Physical Trance Medium, PsychicGavin's experience, who has studied the teachings of Merlin and Arthur extensively. He will share his knowledge, techniques, and stories to empower you on your own spiritual quest, as well as personally channeling them both for you.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced seeker, this event welcomes all who are curious about expanding their consciousness and embracing the magic within. So mark your calendars and join us for a mystical and enlightening experience!

#Mysticism #Occult #arthur #channeling #energyprotection #lightlanguage #magick #mediumship #merlin #spiritual_growth #spirituality #wisdom

PsychicGavin is a Physical and Trance Medium, an Events Medium in both the Paranormal and for Mediumship Demonstrations, he has a vast array of clients and followers worldwide. He is a Spirit Artist, Exorcist, Seichem Master, Reiki Master, Shamanic & Spiritual Healer and can provide Psychic Surgery, Cord Cutting, Soul Retrieval & Past Life Regression (also Reiki Master for Animals).

He has extensive qualifications and is qualified in Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Dowsing, Numerology, Soul Mates & Twin Flames, Animal Spirit Totems, Moonology, Scrying, Channeling, Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Pineal Gland Activation, Psychic & Mediumship Development, Meditation Teaching, Mentalism, Improving Memory, Dragons & Dragon Energy, Unicorns & Unicorn Energy, Capturing & Analyzing Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Demonology and Hoodoo (providing Exorcisms/Clearances & Curse/Spell Breaking).

A little bit from Gavin “Apart from my obvious passion for working with spirit, I am also passionate about working with and helping people, whether that be passing well needed messages from loved ones, assisting others to sense and feel spirit to aiding others developing themselves, I believe developing never ends when on a spiritual path and enjoy learning which also bridges the gap to spirit more and more, I also really enjoy discussions and helping other sensitives, psychics and mediums to expand their own abilities, I am very approachable and always contactable replying to every point of contact myself.”